
As organizations migrate their applications to the cloud and adopt a cloud-native architecture, the number and variety of databases increase. Organizations are faced with the challenge of scaling their database management as they maintain legacy on-premise databases while migrating to loosely-coupled services with smaller, well-defined datasets on AWS.

In this webinar, we will cover how Liquibase helps customers manage the process of migrating database workloads to support microservices on AWS, and scale with the complexity of doing so, all while increasing agility, scale, and speed.

This webinar will cover how you can:

  • Transition database workloads from rigid, monolithic databases to agile cloud-native, microservice-based datasets
  • Deliver the scale and agility of microservices on AWS without overloading your team
  • Build a future enabled for developer self-service to database changes and deployment automation that drives agility, scale, and speed while ensuring quality, compliance, and security
  • Prepare your people, processes, tooling, and culture to benefit fully from cloud-native scalability

If you can’t make the live discussion, register and we’ll send you the slides and recording as soon as they are available.