
You wouldn’t develop app code without version control. You shouldn’t develop database code without it, either.

Imagine a world where your team always knows which version of the database they should use, you can achieve consistent database builds and releases, and you know exactly who made which changes and why. Pretty great, right?

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Database Version Control

Liquibase provides version control for your database

Order database changes and standardize development to make reviews, audits, and troubleshooting a breeze.

--liquibase formatted sql
--changeset <author name>:<a unique identifier for the SQL changeset>
<SQL statements go here>
<SQL statements go here>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>

--changeset <author name>:<another unique identifier>
<SQL statements go here>
<SQL statements go here>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>


Meet the changelog

With Liquibase, changes are managed with one ledger using a unique identification scheme so it’s easy to manage and order database changes. It’s also easy to reorder changes in the changelog when you need to roll out changes to lower environments.

How Liquibase Works
--liquibase formatted sql
--changeset <author name>:<a unique identifier for the SQL changeset>
<SQL statements go here>
<SQL statements go here>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>

--changeset <author name>:<another unique identifier>
<SQL statements go here>
<SQL statements go here>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>
--rollback <rollback SQL statements>


Built for modern dev teams

Robust capabilities make branching and merging easy. You control when, where, and how database changes are deployed. Eliminate the need for rework so your developers and DBAs can focus on what’s important.

Why you need version control
for your database

The 2021 State of DevOps report finds that Elite performers are 3.4 times more likely to incorporate database change management into their process than low performers. 

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Keeping your database schema changes in version control makes it easy for teams to coordinate, no matter where they are in the world.

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Improving visibility

Version control gives you a better view of your workflow. It can help you understand what work is in progress, who’s doing it, and why. 

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Easier rollbacks

It’s always a good idea to have a backup plan. Using Liquibase for database version control for provides an easy way to roll back scripts. Targeted rollbacks can even help you rollback an entire update based on deployment ID. 

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